Ku Long Ancient 300 x 300There are dragons hiding in the library!


They came seeking knowledge and got lost. Now we need your help to find them.

Some have helpful tips or bits of knowledge they have collected. Others might even reward you for finding them… (more…)


Ku Long sleepy

During Block Break, the Greeneville library location will have the following hours:

Sunday – Closed

Monday – 8:00 am – 8:00 pm

Tuesday – 8:00 am – 8:00 pm

We will resume our regular semester hours on Wednesday, September 17th. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

This does not affect the Knoxville location.

Have a great break!!!


Ebrary Logo

Ebrary is updating their online Reader the week of September 8th.

For those who use the e-books found in the Library Catalog, you might be familiar with Ebrary. Ebrary is one of our e-book vendors, providing over 30,000 full text e-books.

If you have used the reader in the past, the new Reader will look a little different. The update should make the Reader easier to navigate, with better display options. For more information on the changes, check out their guide or ask a librarian.

Database Trial – Statista

Statista Trial

Periodically, the library will receive access to database trials. Trials are usually only accessible for a limited time, so please review in a timely manner, if you are interested. Links to all trials will be posted on the library’s main page, as well as the Library News page.

Currently, we have access to Statista, a statistics database that contains over 1,000,000 statistics from over 18,000 sources. Data and statistics can be exported in the following formats: JPEG, PDF, and XLS. Most statistics can also be downloaded as a PowerPoint presentation and include links to the original source.



stacks 645 x 200

Confused by the new website layout? Wondering where are all the tutorials have gone? Can’t find the Catalog?  Have no clue what a ‘Subject Guide’ is? Then you’ve come to the right place! (more…)