Currently, we have access to Statista, a statistics database that contains over 1,000,000 statistics from over 18,000 sources. Data and statistics can be exported in the following formats: JPEG, PDF, and XLS. Most statistics can also be downloaded as a PowerPoint presentation and include links to the original source.


The trial will run through the beginning of October and can be accessed by clicking on the image to the left or by going here: http://www.statista.com/.


Unfortunately, this trial is only accessible on campus. There is no off-campus trial access. However, Statista does offer a free account with limited access to their resources. If you are off campus and would like full access to an item, please contact Crystal Johnson.

Please let us know what you think about this resource. Send us an email at library@tusculum.edu with your thoughts on this resource and whether you would recommend it for purchase, or use the form below.

Periodically, the library will receive access to database trials. Trials are usually only accessible for a limited time, so please review in a timely manner, if you are interested. Links to all trials will be posted on the library’s main page, as well as the Library News page.

Note that consideration does not guarantee acceptance or dismissal. All decisions on library acquisitions are reviewed by the library Director and are subject to the volume of demand and availability of funds.