Throughout the Block 8, the library has had a coloring station set for all to enjoy. Many of you came through and colored to your hearts content. During this time the library held a coloring contest for those who wished to enter. We had several entries to the contest, but there was only one winner. We would like to thank Professor Bodary for being our judge for the contest. Congratulations to the winner and honorable mentions!
- The colorful Winner
- 1 of 3 Honorable Mentions
- 2 of 3 Honorable Mentions
- 3 of 3 Honorable Mentions
- Example provided by a staff member
- Darth Vader Entry
- R2-D2 and C-3PO entry
- Black and White Mandala
- Chess Match
- Colorful Chess Match
- Pretty in Pink
- A pair of pups
- Giving Flowers
- The coloring Station
- The decision was tough…
- But here is the Winner!
- All of the entries
- Coloring Station and Entries