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As All Hallow’s Eve approaches, the Thomas J. Garland staff implores you to face the monsters that appear on this most auspicious evening by participating in our annual Monster Hunt.

Do you dare to take the challenge by naming what monsters may lurk in the night? Take a bounty contract from the tree and conduct some research to see if you can name the monster described. If you think you  have found the name of the creature, tell a staff member at the Circulation desk. If you are correct, you will receive some monster bait (prize bag). Be cautious, as some of these creatures are crafty and hard to find.

Good luck and be safe!

A few rules for Monster Hunting:

  1. One Monster per student.
  2. You may team up and help each other with the research.
  3. You may ask the Master Sorcerers (librarians) for help with the searches.
  4. When you have completed your search, return the scroll you chose to the Circulation Desk. DO NOT throw them away.
  5. Be polite to others when they are searching. Don’t ruin the search by telling someone the answer if you know it and they do not.
  6. Remember to have fun!!!

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All students are invited to the Knoxville Festival of Resources! Join us for free food and learn about services that are available to you. Faculty and staff are also welcome.

Participating departments:

  • Library
  • Financial Aid
  • Registrar
  • Tutoring
  • Student Support Services
  • Disability Services

Come learn what resources are available to you!