Library Banner

Welcome to the new Thomas J. Garland Library website!

This website has been designed to supplement the library’s services, providing additional support for the students, faculty, and staff of the Tusculum College community. Community members may also access our resources if they have a Greeneville-Greene County Public Library Card.For those who are having trouble navigating the new website or want an overview of our site’s content, please see the Library News Post “I’m Lost. Where is everything?” If you still have questions or encounter any issues, please contact the library:


(423) 636-7320 or library@tusculum.edu.


(865) 693-1177 ext. 5035 or tcknoxlib@tusculum.edu


Our hours can be found here and are subject to change. Feel free to give us a call at (423) 636-7320 if you have any questions.

Whether virtually or in person, we look forward to making your acquaintance and offering you a library experience that is both valuable and enjoyable. If you have suggestions on how to improve any library services, please feel free to submit them using our comments & suggestions form, give us a call, or drop us an email.