Reel ‘n Page Summer 2014

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Summer Extra 2014

As past readers of the library newsletter are aware, we were not able to publish in school year 2013-2014.  However, that situation has now been resolved. We are delighted to provide this update, featuring our current summer hours, a summary of the library’s 2013-2014 activities, and our usage statistics since last July.



Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday, Closed



Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday, 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday, Closed


Knoxville Summer hours start on June 23, 2014

Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday, Closed


During the fall of 2013, both Mrs. Anne Reever Osborne (Assistant Library Director for Distance Learning/Library Webmaster) and Marsha Griffin (Public Services Librarian), accepted positions at other institutions. Consequently, two new people have joined the TC library staff, while one deserving individual was promoted. Here, for those who have not seen it, is the news release:

Kathy Hipps has been promoted to the new post of assistant director/chief instruction librarian and assistant professor of library science of the Thomas J. Garland Library. A Greene County native, Kathy graduated from Tusculum in 1995 with a Bachelor of Science in organizational management and worked as competency center manager from 1993-1999. She began her library career at Tusculum in 2002 as the library’s special projects coordinator. After receiving her master’s degree in information sciences from the University of Tennessee in 2007, she became the information literacy librarian. She is an avid Tusculum sports fan attending as many games as possible. She also enjoys her free time with her husband Roger, their son and three grandchildren, and all of their many farm animals.

An East Tennessee native, Crystal Johnson has been appointed to the position of distance education librarian, NE/Garland Library webmaster and assistant professor of library science. She holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, where she dual majored in English and theatre. Her love of literature and the dramatic arts then led to her 2013 completion of a Master’s of Science in information science from UT’s School of Information Science with an emphasis in web librarianship and a program of library web internship at ETSU. While working on a revision of the library’s website, she will also have responsibility for library outreach to the Graduate and Professional Studies program, its faculty and students in the northeast region of Tennessee. Almost as much as reading, Crystal loves to write and has recently published her first article in “Tennessee Libraries.”

Lelia Heinbach has been appointed coordinator of circulation services. Born in Alabama and moving to Tennessee with her family in 2002, Lelia graduated from Chuckey-Doak High School and, in 2012, from Tusculum College with a bachelor’s degree in English: literature concentration. During her undergraduate career, Lelia worked for the Garland Library as a student assistant in the circulation department.  From her graduation until her Garland appointment, she served as a circulation department assistant at the Greeneville/Greene County Public Library. Lelia is currently seeking to begin the master’s in information science program at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. She also enjoys the occasional book and drawing, knitting and crocheting.

“Tusculum College is extremely fortunate to have these talented professionals,” said Library Director Jack Smith, “We look forward to their many years of library leadership and service.”

From left to right, Kathy Hipps, Crystal Johnson, and Lelia Heinbach.

From left to right: Kathy Hipps, Crystal Johnson, and Lelia Heinbach.

Garland Library welcomes the Tutoring Center

With support from the office of the VPAA, Student Support Services, and the library staff, the Tutoring Center (under Mrs. Christy Norris-Bowling) moved to the second floor of the Thomas J. Garland Library in August 2013. Tutors and students were thereafter able to employ its facilities and resources (staff, books, and computer lab) to further this vital support mission.

Special Programming

The fourth Garland Library Special Programming season was launched in the fall. A number of events were hosted at the main campus facility, including:

Haints and Boogers, October 29:

2010 Haints and Boogers. Photo Courtesy College Communications

Members of the library staff presented the program “Haints and Boogers:  Ghosts and Spirits at Tusculum College and in Upper East Tennessee” in the Library’s Information Commons (reference room) on October 29 at 6 p.m. Stories were told concerning paranormal activities on campus and in the surrounding community. Refreshments followed, provided by the librarians  who cooked up ghoulish grub for snacking. Annually the library’s largest public program, the event was attended by some 150 people from TC and the surrounding Greene County community.


Exam Cram, November 7:

In a joint offering by the  staffs of the Tutoring Center and the library, Exam Cram–complete with refreshments–was held throughout Garland Library from 6-8pm on the eventing of November 7th.

Lessons and Carols, December 4:

The lobby of Thomas J. Garland Library was  the scene for the annual Christmas tradition, the festival of Lessons and Carols, on Wednesday morning, December 4, beginning at 11:30 a.m..  Readings and carols were offered under the direction of Mark Stokes, Director of Religious Life, Church and Community Relations. Refreshments were arranged by the library staff.

Children’s Story Hour, December 5:

Lelia Heinbach reads The Night Before Christmas.

Lelia Heinbach reads The Night Before Christmas.

Munchkins were in the house on December 5, 6-7 p.m. as eight children and nine of their parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles enjoyed the book, “The Night Before Christmas,” as read by Lelia Heinbach, Coordinator of Circulation Services.  .  Afterwards,  the children made Christmas cards (with finger paint) and all enjoyed yummy snacks.




Following a calendar interlude occasioned by snow days, the public programming schedule resumed in March 2014.

Guitar Recital, March 25:

Reference and Instructional Librarian Charles Tunstall, a noted guitar artist and instructor, presented “Charles Tunstall’s World of Guitar” in the Garland library lobby. The program featured mostly new selections including two Brazilian pieces by Antonio Carols Jobim and Cuban composer Leo Brouwer, as well as three original sacred arrangements.  Highlights included joint performances with guitar students Matthew Foshie (Doak elementary School), and Kevin Pope (son of Dr. Brian Pope and Aurora Pope, TC faculty members). Refreshments followed the performance, which began at 6 p.m, and brought out a capacity crowd of over 100 people, including several from as far away as Dandridge, TN and Western North Carolina. Tusculum’s Digital Media program recorded the session and posted it on their YouTube channel.

Click here to watch it!

Holy Week Service, April 16:

The Tusculum College Chapel Holy Week Communion Service was held in the lobby of Garland Library on Wednesday, April 16th at 11:45 a.m. Readings and hymns were offered under the direction of Mark Stokes, Director of Religious Life, Church and Community Relations. Refreshments were arranged by the library staff.

Edible Book Festival, April 30-May 1:

All Entries

Following on the success of the Garland Library’s first festival in 2012-2013, the second was held on April 30-May 1 in Room 206. The original Edible Books Festival began “as an international celebration of the ingestion of culture and a way to concretely share a book,” according to the festival website. Tusculum students, faculty, staff and their immediate family members were invited to enter the festival by creating an edible representation of a book or literary character. All entries had to be made entirely of edible materials. Entries were delivered on April 30 and were judged (and consumed) on May 1. With 16 entries (double last year’s number), by category, the winners were:

Most Book-like: Heather Patchett, The Goldfinch
Funniest/Punniest: Erica Warrell, Dinner in District 12
Most Creative: Lelia Heinbach, McGregor’s Garden
Overall Favorite: Shannon, Sydney, Kyndall, and Ellah Brewer, Rainbow Fish

If you would like to see additional pictures, you can find them here. 

YTD Use Statistics (July through April 2013-2014)
Physical Use
In House Patrons46,46712,781
Days Open246225
Average Daily Attendance188.8956.80
E-booksNetlibrary: 13,729 Ebrary: 20,696Greeneville and Knoxville e-books combined
In house2,547884
PhoneDistance Education: 17 Residential: 423227
EmailDistance Education: 27 Residential:1074
Library Instruction Sessions
Distance Education2359

Website (library only) Visits: 26,983

Subscription Database searches (total): 571,341

Total electronic visits to the Thomas J. Garland Library: 598,324

Interlibrary loans

Greeneville to Knoxville: 6

Knoxville to Greeneville: 8

Via OCLC from other libraries for both campuses: 137

In house computer logins by community patrons (Greeneville campus): 238

Books by mail: 3

Total Database Searches by Vendor, July 1, 2013 through April 30, 2014

With figures for the period all in hand, we are happy to be able to provide this breakdown of database use for titles exclusive of e-books, e.g., Ebrary. Please keep in mind that vendor names often include more than one named database.  For example, ProQuest Central contains 12 separate databases for business (e.g., ABI Inform), 9 separate databases for Health and Medicine ( e.g., Proquest Nursing and Allied Health), 10 databases for Social Sciences (e.g., ProQuest Education or ProQuest Criminal Justice), 9 databases in Science and Technology (e.g., ProQuest Computing), and 3-4 each in the disciplines of Art, Literature, and History. Figures given are for vendor use as a whole; reporting is not yet sophisticated enough to report by named database. InfoTRAC 1, by the way, is our local name for TEL, the Tennessee Electronic Library, while InfoTRAC 2 represents the Gale databases we purchase by subscription.

Database Searches, 2013-2014

CQ Researcher839610688602640533950641
Grove Art132017017003070
Grove Music20020200107
TOTAL Oxford33201919004077
CREDO Reference4283460423420412275
Project MUSE241987219051183190431
Alexander Street Press37924561101800110
Polling the Nations5153820150115116126
Statesman's Yearbook8895120177114107793551231,150
Standard & Poor's241641417257462648389
Value Line4304645633781
Assessment of Key Statistics

Information Literacy/Library Orientation Sessions: Library Orientation and Information Literacy instruction continued to hold a prominent place in library service during 2013-2014. A total of 192 sessions were held through April  2014. All were conducted in direct association with teaching faculty and continue to be enhanced through the further collaboration of Information Literacy with faculty committees. As a result of library outreach beyond the class sessions and the arrival of the Tutoring Center, librarians  also met  and worked with students individually during scheduled and unscheduled research appointments, further enhancing student learning.


Circulation: In a further demonstration of the growing popularity and acceptance of the format, many more  electronic books (34,425) were circulated than print (1,660). Ease of access and use are factors (no need to physically check out the book, added to keyword searching features) in the continuing success of the format. Although e-book use was up significantly, we are happy to say that the use of print books also increased over 2012-2013.


Electronic visits: Electronic visits to the Garland Library during the 2013-2014 reporting period have again passed the half million mark. This figure largely explains the decline in print journal circulation and follows the general national format trend.